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Large 7/8" Dubia

Large 7/8" Dubia

Regular price $6.50 USD
Regular price $8.00 USD Sale price $6.50 USD
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  • Exceptional Large Dubia Roaches (3/4" - 7/8") - Gutloaded and Prime for Feeding

    Introducing our large-sized Dubia roaches, precisely sized between 3/4" and 7/8" to meet the nutritional demands of larger pets. These roaches are the pinnacle of pet feed, offering a robust size that's ideal for mature reptiles, amphibians, and arachnids seeking a more substantial meal. Prepared to perfection, they are ready to fulfill the dietary needs of your pets with unparalleled nutrition and vitality.

    Key Features:

    • Substantial Sizing: Perfectly suited for larger pets, our Dubia roaches range from 3/4" to 7/8", providing a satisfying and hearty meal that supports healthy growth and energy.
    • Nutrient-Dense Gutloading: Delivered ready to feed, our roaches are gutloaded with a rich blend of vitamins and minerals, ensuring your pet receives a meal that's not only satisfying but also highly nutritious.
    • Convenient Shipping: We ship orders of 100ct and under in secure plastic cups, offering ease of use and storage. For larger orders requiring cup packaging, please specify your preference at checkout.
    • 7-Day Vitality Guaranteed: Our commitment to quality ensures that our roaches arrive in peak condition, maintaining their liveliness for at least 7 days after delivery, so you receive the freshest feed possible.
    • Pure, Plant-Based Diet: Raised on an all-natural, plant-based diet, our Dubia roaches are free from artificial additives, promoting a clean and healthy feeding cycle.
    • Strictly Pest-Free: By adhering to rigorous health and safety standards, we guarantee our roaches are free from common pests, including beetles, worms, and spiders, ensuring the well-being of your pets.

    Our large-sized Dubia roaches are designed to cater to the needs of pets requiring more from their diet, providing a generous size without compromising on nutritional content. Ideal for promoting vigorous health and vitality, these roaches are not merely feed—they're an investment in your pet's well-being. Order now to give your pets the superior nutrition they deserve!

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